Le May značenje | engleski leksikon

Le May značenje | engleski leksikon

Le May

muški rodlično ime
IPA: / lə ˈmeɪ /

(1906-) US air force general. He commanded 305 Bomber Group, one of the first US units to arrive in the UK in World War II, and devised most of the tactics employed by the 8th Air Force. He took charge of 20th Bomber Command in the India-Burma-China theater 1944 and carried out long-range B-29 raids against Formosa and W Japan. He then moved to 21 Bomber Command in the Marianas Jan 1945, and began a strong offensive against Japanese cities. The B-29 bombers which dropped the atomic bombs Aug 1945 were under Le May's command.

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lam | lama | lame | lamia | Lamu | Le May | LEM | Lemay | lemma | LIM | Lima | Limay | lime | limey | limo | limy | llama | LLM | lm | loam | Loami | loamy | Loma | Lomé | loom | louma | lum | Luma | LWM

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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